Walkways and Handrails

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Walkways and Handrails

Walkways and Handrails can be used as an accessory to FRP Grating.  Constructed from composite materials, walkways and handrails are able to withstand harsh weather conditions and demonstrate superior resistance to deformation.  The modular (no welding) assembly makes installation easy and efficient and complements FRP grating to create a safe environment.

Walkways are constructed in a mesh sheet and the rail modular systems can be built to unlimited length and sizes. Manufactured from glass and high quality resin, these rails are ideal for indoor, outdoor, domestic or commercial use.  Rails have been installed in industrial settings and have demonstrated superior strength and durability even when exposed to harsh chemicals.  Walkways and Handrails are superior to their steel counterparts and can be installed as stand-alone or unit structures.  They are:

Non-conductive—thermal and electric

Non corrosive


Easy to install without specialised tools:– hacksaw, drill and spanner required

Available in a variety of colours

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