Choosing The Ideal Tank Liners For Your Tank

Choosing The Ideal Tank Liners For Your Tank

It is essential to have appropriate tank liners for storage tanks of any dimension. They play a vital role in protecting the tank and decreasing the danger of leaks and environmental issues. If you plan to invest in liners, make sure you get the best value for money and think of the quality.  You should avoid experiencing issues after investing and installing liners in your tanks.

Surprisingly, tank linings are sensitive! A dry film, a missed edge or thickness that is too thick or too light may trigger many issues for tanks and their linings, such as premature failure. When a tank lining is done poorly, it can cause process downtime, tank corrosion, and contamination.

We are professionals in tank liners at ATM tanks, and below, we give you 9 recommendations for an ideal tank lining application. We guarantee that your next tank-lining project will be successful if you follow this guide!

1. Design and Fabrication of the tank

Proper tank design, heating coils, chemical addition ports, internal stiffeners, etc. all play a role in making the application easy and offer service life.

2. Lining Selection

It is easy! At ATM Tanks, we appreciate that we cannot implement a proper lining selection if we do not know the chemical composition, exposure, process cycles, temperature, cleaning procedures, chemical additions (if any), anticipated application and curing conditions, and surface preparation requirements and capabilities.

3. Surface Preparation

At ATM Tanks, we avoid taking shortcuts when preparing tank surfaces because it leads to early failure. Weld treatment, sharp edges, profile, and cleanliness, are vital if you want long-term performance.

4. Application

Our team at ATM Tanks is skilled and well trained, and this is crucial to success. We use the correct equipment, mixing and follow re-coat and curing schedules. We also use supplemental          heat or dehumidification, and it helps to facilitate a superior quality application.

5. Curing & Process Conditions

The curing conditions, that is, temperature and time determines a lining’s chemical resistance properties. For most   linings, this chemical reaction is driven by temperature, time and formulation.  ATM Tank experts do not compromise any of these factors since they can greatly reduce performance and service life.


We evaluate the cure and detect the excessive film thickness, missed areas during plant downtime, low dry film thickness, poor surface prep, etc. to ensure that you get a good quality lining and prolong the service life of the lining you choose.

7Repair & Maintenance

Before putting the tank back into service, we mainly do minor repairs. ATM Tanks appreciates that it is worth investing your time and expense to fix issues just before the tank goes into           service. When repairs are done at this stage, it is cheaper compared to after failure of the lining.

8. Documentation

Documenting is important because if a problem arises later, the information will help you to determine why it arose in the first place or to remove variables that led to the failure. Record           what equipment was used, batch numbers, and surface prep details, ambient conditions, post-lining tests, and curing records.


At all times, adhere to safety procedures provided for lining applications. Tank linings involve a procedure in a confined space and are serious service applications. ATM Tanks does not cut corners when selecting or applying material because it can be disastrous. Process downtime and a ruined item can be expensive for you.

Importance of Water tank liners

Water tank liners stop harmful products from entering the tank and also increase its service life. When you use corrosion-resistant tank lining, your tank is protected from weather elements on the exterior and rusting. So your tank gives you longer service. The installation of tanks is carried out through different procedures like powder coating, electroplating, and anodising.

Water tank liners offer a brilliant cost-effective solution for repairing worn-out water tanks of all sizes and shapes. ATM Tanks fabricate a typical water liner to your current water tank’s exact dimensions.


ATM Tanks supplies linings, coatings, and fireproofing solutions and is happy to offer you this simple advice:

‘A good supplier comprehends linings, carries out testing to confirm performance, suggests the appropriate lining for the application, and offers the required field support for an effective application. It would be best to work with a supplier like ATM Tanks that boasts a wealth of lining experience. We understand why linings fail and know how to prevent failures. This is our warranty for you! Where linings are concerned, we either do it right or avoid doing it at all.’

You can rely on our team at ATM Tanks to offer you the correct coating specification, timely installation, and strategic solutions to offer you a huge variety of coating applications like tank exteriors, tank and containment linings, process area, and decorative flooring.

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